Archive for bas-lag

The Scar (China MiĆ©ville, 2002)

Posted in books with tags , , , , , on 21/07/2013 by ser

I loved this; even more than Perdido Street Station. Perhaps because the universe was known to me and I felt the focus was more on the story than on explaining everything. Or, rather, I spent less energy in the familiarisation process and could concentrate on the story from the beginning. But, to be honest, maybe I just loved it because I am like a moth being drawn to a bright light when I come across a story that’s so full of sea creatures, mythology, pirate-cities, mosquito people, aesthetic self-harmers, the summoning of a gigantic creature from another dimension… you name it. The idea of the remades, of course, being my favourite. His universe is so rich here in the Bas-Lag novels – you can’t deny the guy has a wonderful imagination – and still it doesn’t feel as rushed or as boastful as, for example, Kraken, where everything seemed to say ‘look at me, look at me, I’m amazing!’.

But, most of all, it’s exciting and fun, and that’s what a book like this should be.

On top of all that, the protagonist is a translator! What else could I ask for?

Rating: 8.5/10